5 Facts About Mobile Window Tinting in Morgantown, West Virginia

5 Facts About Mobile Window Tinting in Morgantown, West Virginia

Choosing the ideal mobile window tinting in Morgantown, West Virginia can be a tough process. Hiring the first popped up result when you search the internet for the “car tint shops near me in Morgantown” is not a smart choice.

You have to make sure that the person you are paying to do the tinting job for your car will do it correctly and will give you the best results.

To help you with your mobile window tinting in Morgantown, West Virginia, we have made a list of all the facts you have to know about the matter.

  1. Allowable Car Window Tint Darkness

Before hiring your prospect after searching for “mobile tinting service near me in Morgantown, West Virginia,” there are several things you have to know. You can’t just choose your window tint solely based on your preference since the state has its preference too.

There are mobile window tinting laws you have to know, and that includes the allowable darkness of your car’s tint.

The tint darkness is measured by VLT or Visible Light Transmission in percentage which refers to the amount of visible light that can pass through the tint. For the rear, front, and back side windows, it should have at least 35% VLT.

  1. Allowable Tint Reflectivity

The tint reflectivity is also a factor that can make or break your car’s tinting job. It is essential that you know it firsthand before paying for the auto window tinting cost in Morgantown.

It will help you avoid redoing the job when it doesn’t conform to the state law.

The allowable tint reflectivity for the back and front windows must not be more than 20%.

  1. Restricted Tinting Colors

Mobile tinting colors of amber, yellow, and red are not allowed in the West Virginia state law.

  1. Window Tint Comes in Various Types

When searching for “mobile window tinting near me in Morgantown, West Virginia,” it is essential that you are aware of the various tinting options. You also have to make sure that your chosen tinting service offers the tint service that you prefer.

  1. You Need a Professional for Your Tint Job

Car window tinting shouldn’t be a do-it-yourself project. You need to search for “mobile window tinting near me in Morgantown, West Virginia” and let real professionals do the job.

They are more equipped with the skills and experience to do it right the first time.

Knowing all the necessary things about mobile window tinting in Morgantown, West Virginia will surely help you choose the ideal one for your car.