If you are dealing with a window tinting company, make sure to have the best quality of window tinting job. Keep in mind that dealing with an incompetent window tint installer makes you spend more because you’ll be forced to fix such tinting job.
In this article, do-it-yourself steps on how you can fix a poor-quality window tinting job are laid down accordingly. Nevertheless, if you want to get the job done without falling short again, it’s still advisable for you to entrust your window tinting needs to the most reliable installer.
Below are the handy steps if you want an immediate Band-Aid solution to that frustrating bad window tinting job:
- First thing you need to do is to press out the bubbles. You can either use a small squeegee or a credit card.
- Once you’re done pressing out the bubbles, heat the area where the bubbles are pressed out. You can do this by using a hair dryer because it can soften the adhesives of the window film.
- Prepare a water and dishwashing soap solution because you’ll use it to wash off the back portion of the peeled window film.
- Next step is to smoothen the film back to the glass surface or window. You can make this possible using a squeegee.
- The most important thing this time is to leave the film to dry completely.
- In removing the window tint, start off by cutting a heavy huge black garbage bag depending on the size of the window. Of course, this entails for you to use more than one bag if one bag is not sufficient to cover the glass surface.
- This time, you have to wet the outside part of the window and put the black bag against that glass surface or window. The black bag should be able to cover the window you’re working on using the water to keep it intact.
- So as not to dampen your car’s backseat, you can use any material such as tarp to cover it.
- You need to proceed on spraying the tinted area or the window surface from the inside using ammonia.
- Leave your car under the heat of the sun for around an hour. This procedure heats up the window under the black bag.
- Then, for you to peel back the window film, you can use a razor by starting in the corner without any defrosting line.
- Like step number 9, you need to keep the film as damped as possible by keeping on spraying ammonia on it. This also keeps the adhesive to dry out. This step should let the window film to be peeled off all at once.
The above steps may be doable but can be complicated once you’re already actualizing them. This is why it’s important for you to call for professional help to get this window tinting job done fast.